Friday, 10 August 2012

Starcraft 2 map-making.

I've always really enjoyed building maps for games I love. I think I've been  doing it since I spent all winter building Scalextric tracks with my Dad that snaked their way around the house, rendering whole rooms unusable for weeks at a time. There's something intrinsically satisfying about seeing something you've built work as intended, and this is what drives me to continue map- making.

I'm very new to Starcraft and RTS games in general, but I'd heard good things about the map-creation software and so decided to jump right in at the deep end. I felt that it's always good  to have knowledge with another piece of software, and it also seemed like a good way to learn about the the balance of the game. After doing some reading I learned just how crucial things like 3rd base positioning or ramp size are. Starcraft's balancing is incredibly delicate, and a ramp being one 'hex' two wide has effects that can snowball. For example, say the ramp to natural is too wide. This means a Protoss player has to use twice as many forcefields to block it. As a result, more sentries must be made, which requires a lot of gas. Colossus (or any high tier unit) are now delayed, and the balance of the game falls apart. Things like this meant that what was meant to be an afternoon's work turned into a whole long weekend of tweaking and playtesting. I'm still awaiting feedback from more 'experienced' players, but I'm very pleased with the results.

Here are some images of the two maps I've created, called 'Desolation Cove', and 'Xel' Naga Walkways'. They are playable on SC2 right now, just search the names and give them a go. Any feedback is welcomed! (unless you're a High Templar).

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